Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Diwali

Today, or rather tonight is Diwali - a festival of light, prosperity, joy and fun gallore. Somehow, ever since was a child, never really enjoyed this festival because of the crackers. Never really liked them, they make too much of sound. So every year during Diwali, I wished I was in a place which was more peaceful... and less of noise around.

My daughter loves to play with crackers and so does her father. Though its always fun to see her smiling face but honestly never really liked those hours of burning crackers...

So this time around, God granted me my wish - today being Diwali am away from those madenning sound of bursting crackers. Am in a place where there is peace every where. Deserted streets, freezing cold and no crackers at all. And my heart can go to any extent to see my daughter burning her crackers. Got a candle but forgot a lighter to lit it... ideally this should have been my best Diwali - exactly the way I wwant it to be... but feel like telling God, that I will never crib about sound... please let me never be away from my family on Diwali ever...

Happy Diwali to all....

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