Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tips to save time... We all are busy after all!!!

Unless you live on another planet, or are lucky enough not to be married and/or not having to do a job that pays you peanuts but makes you work like crazy, there are never enough hours in the day. But if you use these efficiency techniques, you can win that battle with time:

  1. Always do at least two things at once. While showering, do your daughter's homework. While chatting on the phone with a dull acquaintance, take a nap. While attending a meeting at office, plan your menu for dinner.
  2. Buy a speaker-phone for your kitchen. You'll be able to cook, vacuum, and knit dog-hair booties while you talk on the phone.
  3. Group chores alphabetically. If you have to go to the pharmacy, combine your trip with errands beginning with the letter "P."
  4. Except for items with heavy late fees, pay bills no more than four times a year. Think of all the writing-stuffing-licking time you'll save. Not to mention your savings on stamps. And don't worry about forgetting a bill. They'll remind you soon enough.
  5. Reduce the frequency of house-cleaning chores. Why vacuum twice a week, when you can do it once a month? Ditto for dusting. And if you wait long enough, your spouse may break down and grab a mop.
  6. Cut down on other time-wasting tasks. Delete half your emails unread. And must you really bathe every day?
  7. Streamline chores by eliminating non-essentials. If you never touch that crystal vase except to dust it, it's time to throw it out.
  8. Speaking of non-essentials, get rid of your iron. If you don't, you'll be tempted to use it.
  9. Unless you're expecting guests, forget about making that bed. It'll only get messy again. Besides, who's to know?
  10. Disregard the concept of separating coloreds from whites. Proudly clothe yourself in pink.
  11. Assign chores to family members, keeping their ages in mind. Ask "Is my spouse mature enough to take out the garbage?"
  12. If you're sick of picking up after your family, keep a large trunk near the center of your home. It's a handy place to throw abandoned toys, dirty dishes, and smelly socks. And it can also double as an end table.
  13. Do you waste time waking family members up? Hide their alarm clocks, forcing them to dive under the bed to quell the racket. This will also reduce dust-bunny build-up.
  14. Capture small molecules of down time and do something useful. Those seconds in the elevator provide just enough time to read the paper, clip your toenails, or polish your shoes.
  15. Car trips furnish a fine opportunity to catch up on chores. Crochet a sweater. Sew runaway buttons onto shirts. Polish your silver. Just be sure to keep your eyes on the road.
  16. Anticipate long waits and bring something to do. Let's say you're going to the doctor. Cut meal preparation time in half by taking along a knife, cutting board, and lots of veggies. Not only is this a good use of time, but it may hasten your appointment ... Just don't forget the onions and garlic.
  17. Never pay attention to terms like "relax"; "meditate"; "introspect"...they only sound good in talk-shows.
  18. Dont waste time sorting things out with your spouse... whether you will crib, shout or sulk...he will remain just the same.
  19. Blog when you are in office (that saves time when you are at home). Only make sure your boss dont vist your blog too often
  20. Well...I'd give you more pointers, but I wouldn't want to waste your time.

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