Monday, June 9, 2008


This is my daughter's second attempt.

Once there was a boy called Tom. He was friendly with everybody. That is why he had many friends. But Tom had a peculiar problem, that he was always afraid that all his nightmares would come true some day. One night Tom saw a dream in which he saw that all his friends overlooked him and told him, "We will not make friendship with you anymore, We know that you are very friendly with us but still we will not talk to you anymore."

The next day Tom was very angry. He went to school and during the recess he went to his friends and told them angrily, "I will not make frienship with you all anymore. If you all can tell me like this in my dream, then I can also say this to you. Even if I say sorry to you, I know you all will not talk to me." And Tom went back to the class. Tom's friends were very sad listening to his words.

The next day Tom realized that he was very rude with his friends. So he decided to say sorry to them and make friendship with them again. but he forgot what he had told them at the last moment, that even if he would say sorry to his friends, they would not talk to him. So Tom went to the school and during the recess he went to his friends and told, "Sorry". But his friends avoided him. Then Tom became a little bit angry and said, "Why are you all doing like this? I am saying sorry to you, then why are you all not talking to me?" Then his friends said, "Tom, we think you forgot that you had told us that even if you said sorry to us, still we will not talk to you. But we are forgiving you because we are true friends, but if you do this again, then we will not talk to you ever again".

In this way, Tom learnt his lesson that he sould not believe in his nightmares. This way Tom got his true friends back, and they lived very peacefully there after.

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