Friday, July 11, 2008

A Pause

In life we all probably reach a point where look back and introspect. I am in such a stage now. There is a lot to look back, a lot to ponder at, a lot to introspect about ... so its break time for me and my blog. Wanted to delete this blog, for reasons not even known to me, but dont know how to proceed about it. May be, from the core of my heart, I didnt even want to... cos i believe "where there is a will, there is a way"... may be I am not strong willed enough to delete my blog which is very dear to me - I am emotionally attached to each of my post for some reason or the other, and each one of them is special for me, even the most nonsensical stuff...

But I shall put a pause here - but am sure, I am going to bounce back soon... Will be glad to find you here once am back... and with that hope, I leave in search of some answers to the questions of my life.

Till then take care...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Will wait eagerly